Rotary Donations Given on each Product Sold on
Rotary Key Point to Remember
Rotary Highlights:
Rotary is a leadership organization…
We are made up of local business,
professional and civic leaders.
We meet regularly, get to know each
other, form friendships, get things
done in our community.
And we have fun!
Rotary Four-Way Test 
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Rotary Now Accepting New Members
The famous Las Vegas WON Rotary Club is a new style Rotary Club, with fresh, new, exciting ideas, network with prominent members and ways to implement new technologies. From the very first day of existence, Las Vegas WON Rotary Club has and will continue to set records throughout Rotary. Las Vegas WON Rotary Club Chartered, with 125 members, which is the largest ever in the 112-year history of Rotary. Call 702-210-4201 or click on this link for more info.
Want to Live Longer – Join with Us….It is a PROVEN FACT!
Get Involved and Help Others while You Live Longer
University of California, Berkeley study states people 55 or older who volunteered for two or more organizations were 44 percent less likely to die over a five-year period than those who did not volunteer. These results took into consideration many other factors including age, exercise, general health and negative habits like smoking.
International Journal of Psychophysiology study shows people who gave social support to others had lower blood pressure than people who did not.
Studies find these health benefits associated with giving:
Lower blood pressure
Increased self-esteem
Less depression
Lower stress level
Longer life
Greater happiness
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