attends Vitamin / Supplement Conventions USA & Worldwide has had the pleasure over the past couple years to begin attending the major vitamin conventions / supplement conventions / natural products expos through the United States as well as worldwide. Often is asked to attend these major supplement conventions. Also, we are often asked to become a guest speaker for our products and the industry at these major events. Below are a few of the recent conventions we have attended and had a display booth. This is not a complete list but more of a list of the diverse events in the vitamin / supplement industry we attended.


Recent Vitamin Conventions / Supplement Conventions 2019

December 3-6, 2019Chongqing Nutritional Supplement Show – International Natural Health & Nutrition Expo (NHNE) – Chongqing, China
The China Health Care Association held a nutritional supplement show at Chongqing’s Yuelai Exhibition Center.    Chongquing is a major city in China with a population over 35,000,000. was asked to be a showcasing booth for U.S. companies and participate at their Health Plus market fair. will have one of our representatives, Robert (Bob) Spence, as a guest speaker at the forum during the convention.
International Natural Health & Nutrition Expo (NHNE)

Chongqing, China

2019 Chongquing Nutritional Natural Expo Booth

2019 Chongquing Nutritional Natural Expo Customer at Booth

2019 Chongquing Nutritional Natural Expo Clients at Booth

2019 Chongquing Nutritional Natural Expo Booth

2019 Chongquing Nutritional Natural Expo Convention Hall

May 13-15, 2019 – NHNE Spring 2019, – Shanghai, China
The 9th Natural Health & Nutrition Expo (NHNE) was held at National Exhibition and Convention Center Shanghai, China.  As the largest expo focusing on the natural health and nutrition in Asia, the Shanghai event is attended by major companies worldwide. In attendance was more than 100,000 distributors and retailers. was proud to be invited to this event and display our products.  Our company representative for International business, Robert (Bob) Spence, was a guest speaker at the forum during the convention.
International Natural Health & Nutrition Expo (NHNE)

Shanghai, China

2019.5 Shanghai China Natural Expo

2019.5 Shanghai China Natural Expo Speaker

2019.5 Shanghai China Natural Expo Demonstration

2019.5 Shanghai China Natural Expo Convention Booth




March 5-9, 2019 – Natural Products Expo West 2019 – Anaheim, California, USA
Natural Products Expo West 2019 in Anaheim Convention Center revealed products from the Natural & Organic industry.   Natural Products Expo West is the largest natural, organic and healthy products trade show in the world. More than 3,600 companies around the globe were exhibitors at the convention. In 2019 there were an estimated 89,000 attendees.


Anaheim, California, USA Booth Display

Recent Vitamin Conventions / Supplement Conventions 2018


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Proceed to View / Purchase Products, click here cannot list all vitamin conventions / supplement conventions / health product events we attend throughout the world. We enjoy meeting in person our Customers / Distributors at these events. Contact our Las Vegas office for a list of upcoming events we are planning on attending. We would really enjoy taking time to meet with you. Thank you.